
Built Up vs TPO Saves Money

Built Up Roof vs TPO Saves Money

A built-up roof system is a multi-ply hot asphalt roof system that can either have a smooth or ballasted covering. These roof systems are mostly a thing of the past due to higher labor costs, material costs, and dangers of the installation process. They are also very inefficient for energy needs and requirements as they attract heat instead of reflecting it.

This issue causes increased energy usage and higher utility costs.

Most of these roof systems were installed 20-50 years ago and are now failing to cause leaks, interior damage, etc.

We replaced the built-up roof system on this building in Temple, Texas in two days with little to no interruption to the customer. 

The replacement cost was about a third of what the original system would have been. And by using a TPO roof system we were able to provide the customer with a highly efficient and durable roof system that reflects solar rays instead of absorbing them further helping drive down energy usage and cost.

This roof system comes with a full 20-year, no dollar limit manufacturer’s roof system warranty.


Built up vs TPO Saves Money

Built Up vs TPO Saves Money

Built Up vs TPO Saves Money

Built Up vs TPO Saves Money

Built Up vs TPO Saves Money

Built Up vs TPO Saves Money

Built Up vs TPO Saves Money