Central TX Municipal Bldg Roof Replacement

Central TX Municipal Bldg Roof Replacement-2Clark Roofing initially inspected this roof system, which, at the time, was failing. The roof system was about 16 years old and should have had a life span of about 30 years. There are two primary reasons for premature failures. First, the roof system was substandard due to improper design and material compatibility. The manufacturer was JP Stephens, and the company has long since been out of business due to complete roof system failures. Second, these materials could not be patched due to non-compatible materials, which led to the requirement for a full replacement.

One challenge we ran into during the replacement was the height of the building. At its highest peak, the building is 56 feet tall, and normal material lifting equipment cannot reach this level. Our solution was to contract with Wales Crane and Rigging out of Waco, who assisted us in the roof-loading procedures.

Once the materials were in place, we installed a 60 MIL fully adhered Mule-Hide roof system, which was approximately 24,000 square feet. Another challenging aspect of this roof was its many penetrations and obstacles. Our precise and custom detail as well as meticulous workmanship overcame this challenge. The entire roof system is waterproof, durable, and long-lasting.  Clark Roofing’s Mike Anderson oversaw the project, which was completed in 12 days between rain events.Central TX Municipal Bldg Roof Replacement-2

This Central TX municipal bldg roof replacement is another example of the extreme pride we take in each and every project. We fully believe and follow the strict guidance of “Even if no one else ever sees this roof, we do! Therefore it must be perfect!” And yes, we mopped every inch of the roof to complete the project.